
> So... can someone please summarize the state of SSCLI for me? Is is
> dead? Is MS supporting it (in 2 years, 1.0 is the current download).
> Has there been any progress towards the cross platform problem of
> windows forms? Is there a secret society website with real info on this
> topic os is this group it?

My understanding is that Microsoft will do a new release of the SSCLI
after Whidbey comes out reflecting the new updated codebase.

In the meantime in SSCLI.NET there is a patch posted for running the
SSCLI on more recent hardware, and a couple of interesting projects.

As for Windows.Forms, we now have a cross platform version of
Windows.Forms that works (but is still lacking some controls) as part of
Mono that you can run on Rotor as well:



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