I have been working on porting MMTk (a Memory Management Toolkit) to
Rotor, so that MMTk does the garbage collection for Rotor.  The work
is in collaboration with Robin Garner (The Australian National
University), Steve Blackburn (The Australian National University) and
Ben Zorn (Microsoft Research).

Significant progress on the port has been made, Rotor can now run
using the No GC, Mark-Sweep, Semi-Space and Generational Mark-Sweep
collectors from MMTk.  For more information and the source code, see:


MMTk is the result of work by Steve Blackburn, Perry Cheng (IBM) and
Kathryn McKinley (University of Texas).  Here are links to some recent
publications referring to MMTk:


Andrew Gray
Research Programmer
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Computer Science and Information Technology Building [108]
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia

T: +61 2 9413 4897
   +61 2 6125 3460
F: +61 2 6125 0010
W: http://cs.anu.edu.au

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