Per previous private email to project owners and announcement on Rotor
mailing lists, SSCLI.NET is being closed down.  The site will remain
available for only a short while longer.  If you are a project owner and
haven't yet addressed this, your immediate action is required.  If you
intend to migrate your project to another online collaborative
development site, please do so immediately (this week).  While the site
will be fully archived on tape, I cannot guarantee that access to the
archived materials can be provided in a timely or convenient manner.
Please let me know what course of action you are taking.  If you're
hosting the project on your personal site or on another public system
like SourceForge, please provide a link and updated project contact
information.  We will be launching a new Rotor portal under the http://
<> site that will
include links to all SSCLI-bases research, teaching, and development
projects and I want to make sure your work is available to the broad
SSCLI community.
Thank you and best wishes for 2005,
Mark Lewin
University Relations Group
Microsoft Research

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