Discussion of the Rotor Shared Source CLI implementation wrote:
> You may need change in rotorenv/bin/makefile.def mentioned in
> http://mailserver.di.unipi.it/pipermail/dotnet-sscli/msg00244.html.
> Add the following 3 lines right before "# Merge .rtc section with..."
> in rotorenv/bin/makefile.def:
> !if "$(VS71COMNTOOLS)" != ""
> !endif

Ah, that fixed all the SEH failures. Thank you!

In your mail, you mentioned a servicing project that was hosted on
sscli.net. What has happened to this initiative now that sscli.net has been
discontinued? Is it/will it be hosted somewhere else?

Your mail also referenced a patch - which was hosted on sscli.net. Did this
patch contain anything more than the changes to the linker flags?

Also, I still have some miscellaneous test suite failures remaining.
Anything you could tell me would be helpful:

locale_info/getlocaleinfow/test1,Locale Information,GetLocaleInfoW,Test #1
for GetLocaleInfoW,DEFAULT,EXEC,FAIL,GetLocaleInfoW gave incorrect result
for LOCALE_SDECIMAL\, locale 0: Expected "."\, got "\,"!  ,
ingsW,Positive Return value test for
FreeEnvironmentStringsW,DEFAULT,EXEC,FAIL,The function should still return a
success value even if it is passed a LPWSTR which is not an environment
block properly aquired from GetEnvironmentStrings  ,
miscellaneous/getversionexa/test1,Miscellaneous,GetVersionExA,Positive Test
for GetVersionExA,DEFAULT,EXEC,FAIL,ERROR: The fixed value of dwMinorVersion
shoud be 0 or 1\, but is really 2. ,
miscellaneous/getversionexw/test1,Miscellaneous,GetVersionExW,Positive Test
for GetVersionExW,DEFAULT,EXEC,FAIL,ERROR: The fixed value of dwMinorVersion
shoud be 0 or 1\, but is really 2. ,
e test for gethostbyname - with an invalid host name,DEFAULT,EXEC,FAIL,
Failed to call gethostbyname API for negative test call gethostbyname by
passing an invalid host name\, an error WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND or
WSATRY_AGAIN(BSD) are expected\, but no error or no expected error is
detected\, error code=11004  ,

I'm not too worried about the first one - the norwegian locale uses ',' for
decimal separators, not '.' Are the others related to the fact that I'm
building on Win2K3?


AnkhSVN, Subverting Visual Studio .NET: http://ankhsvn.tigris.org
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