
I'm a little confused about how method calls are transformed by the jitter
into native code. I can see clearly now that two different cases are
distinguished: non-virtual calls and virtual calls. When dealing with the
former, only a method entry point is needed, which is obtained directly from
the slot of the class method table in most cases. This entry point is stored
in the CALLREG register and the call is done. However, the latter is giving
some trouble to me, because now three values are taken into account:

- The method slot, which is obtained directly from an attribute of the
MethodDesc class.
- A Method Table offset. I assumed that this value was the location of a
pointer to the class method table (table that is common to all the class
objects), but now I'm not so sure about it.
- A third value that the Jitter function buildCall stores in ARG_1 or ARG_2.
I wasn't able to find what did it represent (this pointer?).

The two first values are added in jitinterface code and the result is later
added to the CALLREG register that stores the third, doing the call with
that final result. The problem is that, as you can see, I wasn't able to
know the meaning of some values so I couldn't fully understand how Rotor
accesses virtual methods. I'm also trying to find how can this address be
calculated accessing only to the metadata structures (like introspection
MethodInfo.Invoke calls should do). I tried to do the following:


But I'm not obtaining the same value that is used by the jitter in the
virtual calls. ¿Am I forgetting or misunderstanding something? ¿Can anybody
give me some help?

Thank you very much in advance,

Jose M.

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