Discussion of the Rotor Shared Source CLI implementation wrote:
> You need to get the field's signature and decode this signature. In
> the
> simplest case (public Bar Field) the signature will be:
> {CALLCONV_FIELD,E_T_CLASS,<compressed token of Bar>} Or
> {CALLCONV_FIELD,E_T_VALUETYPE,<compressed token of Bar>}
> For calling convention and element type encoding, see CorHdr.h
> For token compression/decompression functions see Cor.h

Thanks to all who replied and got me on the right track. I ended up with
something like this:

    ULONG size;
    PCCOR_SIGNATURE sig = pInternalImport->GetSigOfFieldDef(fd, &size);

    SigPointer sigptr(sig);

    CorElementType corType = (CorElementType)sigptr.GetData();

    if (corType == ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS)
        mdTypeDef type = sigptr.GetToken();
        return IsReferenceCounted(pInternalImport, type);
        return S_FALSE;

Is this a good way of doing it, or are there some caveats here?


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