Hello Dovecot users,

Here is a new Pigeonhole release that goes with the new Dovecot v2.2.35
release. This release is not strictly necessary, as previous versions
should be usable as well. This release only contains bug fixes. However,
considering the rather nasty editheader bug that emerged in the previous
release, upgrade is recommended.

Changelog v0.4.23:

- editheader extension: Corrected the stream position calculations
  performed while making the modified message available as a stream.
  Pigeonhole Sieve crashed in LMTP with an assertion panic when the
  Sieve editheader extension was used before the message was redirected.
  Experiments indicate that the problem occurred only with LMTP and that
  LDA is not affected.
- fileinto extension: Fix assert panic occurring when fileinto is used
  without being listed in the require line, while the copy extension is
  listed there. This is a very old bug.
- imapsieve plugin: Do not log an error for messages that disappear
  concurrently while applying Sieve scripts. This is a further
  improvement on the imapsieve fix in the previous release (which fixed
  a panic). This event is now logged as a debug message.

The release is available as follows:


Refer to http://pigeonhole.dovecot.org and the Dovecot v2.x wiki for
more information. Have fun testing this release and don't hesitate to
notify me when there are any problems.


Stephan Bosch

Dovecot-news mailing list

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