I have a Dovecot installation on a Fedora 4.
With the last update from Dovecot RC10 to Dovecot RC27, the daemon kills itself every night with this error:

Mar 17 05:23:11 mail dovecot: Time just moved backwards by 6 seconds. This might cause a lot of problems, so I'll just kill m
yself now.

The error appears just after the night maintenance script executes a ntpdate syncronization

ntpdate is version [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, 6 seconds are little more than a blink in human perspective, even if it is a long time for a computer point of view. Couldn't be possible to add a configuration option to avoid the suicide?

Any other option other than suicide is better, because there could be situations of really unattended servers.


+--[Luigi Rosa]--

She was a lovely girl.
Our courtship was fast and furious.
I was fast and she was furious.
    --Max Kauffmann

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