On Sun, 2007-03-18 at 22:30 +0100, Koen Vermeer wrote:
> Op zo, 18-03-2007 te 23:13 +0200, schreef Timo Sirainen:
> > On Sun, 2007-03-18 at 21:58 +0100, Koen Vermeer wrote:
> > > 
> > > A new folder with the name "joe+spam" into the virtual domains folder.
> > > I
> > > guess that's what you call a new user. The mail doesn't arrive in
> > > joe's
> > > mailbox, or anywhere in his maildir. 
> > What's your userdb configuration? It looks like it doesn't check the
> > user's existence at all. If you're using for example static userdb then
> > this happens..
> Yes, right on! Your remote debug-skills are amazing... Normally, postfix
> already does the user check, so if I send a mail to an non-existent
> user, postfix rejects it. Therefore, I never noticed this before.
> Now, this behaviour of deliver isn't what I would expect. Any chance on
> a fix for this, or a notice in the config-file or the wiki about why
> this is happening?

So you are using static userdb? I'm not sure how this could be fixed.
Especially if you're using passdb PAM + userdb static it could be
impossible for Dovecot to verify if the user exists (I don't think
PAM_USER_UNKNOWN reply can be relied on, plus it could do 2 second
delays for each user "lookup" because the password is wrong). With other
passdbs it would be possible, but that's again userdb static specific so
I don't think I'll bother..

But yes, I could mention this in LDA's wiki page.

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