Took a while to reply because I haven't wanted to spend time on thinking
about this.

On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 22:23 +0100, Udo Rader wrote:
> > Also I'd rather not require users to register into the BTS at all to add
> > new bugs. Just writing the bug subject, description and giving an email
> > address should be enough.
> Yes, that is possible as well. There are two options for this:
> #1 Users remain unidentified and the bug is posted as a global user
> #2 Users are looked up based upon their email address. If an unknown
> email address enters a bug report or adds note to an existing bug
> report, it is automatically added as a BTS user.
> The latter has the big advantage that users can identify their own
> bugreports/notes much easier later on.

Yep. 2) is good.

> Well, the disadvantage of this however is that it requires some
> countermeasures to prevent spammers from using it as their way to make
> us all happy with their lottery winnings, "enlargment" stuff and
> such :-)

Would be nice to get it integrated with this mailing list's
subscriptions list. Subscribers can send bugs immediately,
non-subscribers' bugs get moderated. Just like they are now. And bugs
sent via web page wouldn't require moderation but a really simple
captcha (like has now), which should prevent all

Maybe the Mailman's subscriptions list could be pushed to the
bugreporting system whenever it changes.

> > > #3: allow email based replies based on the subject line that go back 
> > >     directly into the bugtracker
> > 
> > Also from people not registered to the bug tracker? What about
> > creating/preserving Message-ID / References headers so that the comments
> > in one bug also show up as a single thread in the mailing list?
> Yes, that is #2 from above. And about the headers ... the bugzilla email
> interface support this, mantis however (which I would favour for various
> reasons) does not support this out of the box AFAIK, but it is OSS, so
> it should not be too difficult to patch it.
> Threading however is always possible based upon the subject of the
> autogenerated mails coming from the BTS.

I just always hate it when people break the threads in this mailing
list. Evolution uses only References/In-Reply-To headers to track them.

> > > All this can be easily setup for bugzilla and mantis (the only ones that
> > > I personally have dealt with to a greater extent so far).
> > > 
> > > If help is needed to get such a configuration working (also including
> > > hosting of such a solution), I personally (and the company I work for)
> > > would be happy to help out.
> > 
> > If the above two things could be made to work, I guess we could finally
> > have a bug tracker. :)
> Sure, if I can provide anything to get things working, just let me know.

I'd at least like to try this. It would be nice to get a working bug
tracker before v1.0 release. But I still have doubts about how annoying
it would be to actually use, and how much time it would require to
change everything to work just the way I want. I've already spend too
much time changing MoinMoin, and Mailman's reply-to-list changes were
kind of a waste of time too :)

As for Bugzilla vs. Mantis, I'm not that big of a fan of Bugzilla, but I
pretty much hate how Mantis looks like at least in It's way too confusing.
Bugzilla's default look is OK, although in either case I'd want the
"report new bug" page to look something like

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