
I took a stab at editing the wiki ... the changes disappeared? I guess I was 

The wiki (http://wiki.dovecot.org/LDA) states 

-m <mailbox>: Destination mailbox (default is INBOX). If the mailbox doesn't 
exist, it's created (unless -n is used). If message couldn't be saved to the 
mailbox for any reason, it's delivered to INBOX instead.

I tried to add a little note that the sieve plugin takes precedence. For 
example if at the end of the a .dovecot.sieve there is a line like:

fileinto "CompanyFolders.general";

then the -m <mailbox> is ignored. I am not sure about the use of 'stop'. 

-n: If the destination mailbox doesn't exist, don't create it. This affects 
both -m parameter and fileinfo action in Sieve scripts. The fallback is to 
deliver mail to INBOX.

(typo: fileinto not fileinfo)

My testing shows that if the mailbox does not exist then the mail is rejected 
like so:

Your message was automatically rejected by Dovecot Mail Delivery Agent.

The following reason was given:
Mailbox doesn't exist: mail-lists.debian

I like the wiki's solution better.


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