On 28.3.2007, at 20.26, Mike Brudenell wrote:

On 28 Mar 2007, at 18:15, Timo Sirainen wrote:
- 16. stalled for 16 secs in LOGIN

Try changing http://wiki.dovecot.org/LoginProcess settings, especially
login_process_per_connection=no and see how much it helps.

Sorry I forgot to give my current login and auth settings (which, I have to admit, I thought I'd tuned to be reasonable/generous for the eventual environment)...

login_process_size = 64
login_process_per_connection = no
login_processes_count = 10

OK, so it's not the login process then that's the problem.

Have you tried using passwd-file instead of passwd as passdb and userdb?

- 12. stalled for 17 secs in LOGIN
- 13. stalled for 17 secs in LOGIN

When this happens, can you manually log in at the same time?

What about running: imaptest - select=0

ie. doing nothing else than login/logout. Does it still hang?

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