On 2007 Mar 30 (Fri) at 20:56:43 -0700 (-0700), Kenneth Porter wrote:
:--On Friday, March 30, 2007 8:26 PM -0700 Peter Hessler 
:>This sort of decision is exactly why I'm the mail admin and they are
:>not.  They know things at the boardroom level, and they are
:>(presumably) good at it.  I don't look at things from the boardroom
:>level.  However, I understand the MTA-related arena better than they do.
:>If they understood the details, why would they spend the money on my
:So which rc are you running in production? What made you decide that rc and 
:not some other was "good enough" without being "too risky". What's your 
:confidence in that particular rc?
:I'm looking at 29 rc's and I have no idea how to pick. What's your method?

I personally am running rc22, and plan on upgrading to rc29 this 
weekend.  I chose it because it was the most recent dovecot when I last 
upgraded.  I've previously been upgrading to each rc within a day or 
two of release.  My upgrade testing goes like this:  Install it on a 
non-mailserver box, setup a bogus mail directory (usually a cp of my 
regular Maildir/), poke at it with ipv4/ipv6 over both imap and pop3.  
Usually 20 minutes is enough to figure its quality.  If it passes, then 
I kill the master dovecot process, uninstall old, install new, start up, 
run tests again.

Don't take life so serious, son, it ain't nohow permanent.
        -- Walt Kelly

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