I really have to agree with Kenneth here.
Specially after comments are made that the program has likely very few more bug fixes needed before going gold.. Adding new features, specially if they require any changes to the config file, makes little sense.
Right! I was tracking the RC branches for a while, until one day ten percent or so of the users here (we're on mbox) couldn't open their mboxes. Rolling back didn't fix anything, and it took another five RCs to get things stable again.

Totally agree here too. First, definitly thanks Timo for such a great software and hardworking. But really, I have been a new user to dovecot for a while, I was going to switch our system to dovecot, but really got confused on when should I do it, since it always seems like just a week before the final version, always...

So now I'm running a nightly build from the rc25 era, and there I'm going to stay until I migrate either to Courier or to Dovecot 1.0 (assuming it ever ships. We've been "real close now" for MONTHS...).

Yu Chen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Chemistry Building, Rm 182
University of Maryland at Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250

phone:  (410)455-6347 (primary)
        (410)455-2718 (secondary)
fax:    (410)455-1174

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