If you want #1, it seems that you're not really looking to virtualize all emails on the system, but rather have fall-through virtualization. I don't know if that's possible or not. I *do* know, because I have it set up this way, that's it possible to virtualize everything, and then, in your database, specifically say what needs to get delivered to the local box. I needed to do that for mailman lists.

Anyway, for postfix, look into the virtual_* config options. For dovecot, I'm still running 1.0beta8, which is a few versions behind, so I don't know what to look for these days. FWIW, I use passdb sql and userdb static.

On Apr 7, 2007, at 9:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi folks,

I've poked through the archives and google and have not seen how do do this.
Is it possible to virtualize ALL emails on a system? That is, I want
delivery only to e.g. /var/mail/vmail/domain.tld/user/Maildir/, and for
authentication & userdb to:

1) Try /etc/passwd, and if someone is there, automatically append the
"default" domain, otherwise,
2) Authenticate off a mysql db or similar.

Is this kind of "fallthrough" user lookup and auth. possible with dovecot? I assume the delivery can probably be done by just telling postfix to use
dovecot as the local delivery agent.

Thanks for your help!


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