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Hi Stephan,
get my answers trought the mail
Stephan Bosch schrieb:
> Robert Schetterer wrote:
>> Hi,ok setui above works
>> using avelsieve squirrelmail plugin
>> with managesieve dovecot latest
>> (perhaps i shouldnt use 1.30 rc)
>> as well there may be other problems between suse and quotawarn patches )
>> please see this just as info to help coders to debug
>> following problems in logs appear
>> /var/log/messages
>> 9 04:51:41 suse10-2-vmware kernel: managesieve-log[2326]: segfault at
>> 0000000000000000 rip 0000000000000000 rsp 00007fff8995b938 error 14

i am willing to help about that, how should i trace this
do you have an example

>> i  have no idea where this comes from
> Hmm. That's not good.. what ever happens, dovecot(-managesieve) must
> never segfault. Maybe you could provide a core-dump. Btw, I don't really
> know what managesieve-log is supposed to be. Timo, any ideas?
>> /var/log/dovcot.info
>> dovecot: Apr 09 04:55:00 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Disconnected:
>> Logged out
>> dovecot: Apr 09 04:55:08 Info: managesieve-login: Login:
>> user=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS
>> dovecot: Apr 09 04:55:08 Info: MANAGESIEVE([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Effective
>> uid=1001, gid=1001
>> dovecot: Apr 09 04:55:08 Info: MANAGESIEVE([EMAIL PROTECTED]): sieve
>> storage: Using active sieve script path:
>> /usr/local/virtual/[EMAIL PROTECTED]//.dovecot.sieve
>> ( this line looks strange to me, but it musnt be false )
> That looks very strange. Assuming you are not using the userdb to
> specify the SIEVE path (code directly borrowed from dovecot-sieve), 'the
> problem' seems to be that the home directory of [EMAIL PROTECTED] ends
> in a /. By looking at dovecot's home_expand code I discovered this is
> not checked while expanding ~/.dovecot.sieve. However, linux/unix/POSIX
> (?) seems to be handling duplicate slashes as single ones, so it should
> work properly anyhow. But, maybe Timo is interested in making some
> cosmetic changes. :)

this test mail server setup is like
i agree double slashes should work

> <snap>protocol transcript</snap>
>> S: PUTSCRIPT "phpscript" {777+}\r\n# This script has been automatically
>> generated by avelsieve\n# (Sieve Mail Filters Plugin for
>> Squirrelmail)\n# Warning: If you edit this manually, then the changes
>> will not \n# be reflected in the users'
>> front-end\!\n#AVELSIEVE_VERSIONYTo0OntzOjU6Im1ham9yIjtpOjE7czo1OiJtaW5vciI7aTo5O3M6NzoicmVsZWFzZSI7aTo3O3M6Njoic3RyaW5nIjtzOjU6IjEuOS43Ijt9\n#AVELSIEVE_CREATED1176087308\n#AVELSIEVE_MODIFIED1176087308\nrequire
>> [""];\nif\n#START_SIEVE_RULEYTo0OntzOjQ6ImNvbmQiO2E6MTp7aTowO2E6NDp7czo0OiJ0eXBlIjtzOjY6ImhlYWRlciI7czo2OiJoZWFkZXIiO3M6NjoidG9vcmNjIjtzOjk6Im1hdGNodHlwZSI7czo4OiJjb250YWlucyI7czoxMToiaGVhZGVybWF0Y2giO3M6MzoiKioqIjt9fXM6NDoidHlwZSI7czoxOiIxIjtzOjk6ImNvbmRpdGlvbiI7czozOiJhbmQiO3M6NjoiYWN0aW9uIjtzOjE6IjIiO30%3DEND_SIEVE_RULE\nheader
>> :contains ["to", "cc"] "***"\n{\ndiscard;\n}\r\n
>> C: "IMPLEMENTATION" "dovecot"\r\n
>> C: OK "Capability completed."\r\n
>> S: SETACTIVE "phpscript"\r\n
>> C: NO "line 8: Unsupported features in require line"\r\n
> This script states:
> require [""];
> This is not valid sieve to my knowledge and it doesn't serve any useful
> purpose: there is no empty sieve extension, so this seems to be a bug in
> avelsieve. Lib-CMUSieve correctly reports an error.
> Btw, I tested avelsieve myself as well (to test yet another sieve
> client), but it also caused a syntax error:
> NO "line 6: syntax error, unexpected ']', expecting STRING"
> I don't yet know what caused this, but I intend to find out as soon as I
> get to sniff the TCP communication properly.

you may be right avelsieve may include bugs, i noticed that before when
tested the python sieve server, but managed it getting to work

> About the configuration: I will add a small configuration section to the
> README file. Just like the first version, it is still configured as any
> other mail protocol and it does not have any special configuration
> options (apart from the freshly added managesieve_implementation_string
> option). Simply adding managesieve to the 'protocols' line in
> dovecot.conf is usually enough, but it also accepts the other common
> options like 'listen' (to make the deamon listen on a different port for
> instance).

this is what i missed in your  readme
( or perhaps i overread it *g )

protocols = imap managesieve
protocol managesieve {
  listen = *:2000
  login_executable = /usr/libexec/dovecot/managesieve-login
  mail_executable = /usr/libexec/dovecot/managesieve

> Regards,

i would very welcome the managesieve server patch to stable dovecot
cause its better then every other filter solution ( comparing to
maildrop or procmail in my mind), and avelsieve is are very
good squirrel plugin, as long thunderbird does not have a sieve editior
which can be handeled in an equal easy way,
but as i wrote, i dont wanna pressure this, cause i see
releasing dovecot stable 1 should be done before including new
code which needs to be tested before anyway.

I like using dovecot postfix in an isp setup, and so acl and sieve
makes the setup with squirrel very nice to the users, comparing to other
possible solutions ( i.e vacation, forward, sharing etc)
combining it with amavis,spamass...(in sql) plugins comes near to have
what i would call a perfect mailserver setup for multidomain
maybe horde will play better as it should be compatible with the
thunderbird kolab extension an lightning to have shared folders,
calenders and adressbook all in imap, this would be nearly
be an opensource solution which would beat i.e exchange

i had equals with cyrus, but i dont like cyrus very much, so i am
testing all features which i know they asked by users , and what i had
included in other setups with other solutions

anyway thx for coding managesieve, i think bugs will went away as time
goes by ( perhaps with new avelsieve etc )

Happy easter
- --
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Best Regards

Robert Schetterer

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