On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 02:38:16PM -0400, Charles Marcus wrote:
> 1. His postfix is NOT authoritative for his domain - he is just using it 
>  with fetchmail to grab his email. Since I've never even used fetchmail 
> - does he even NEED postfix to do this?

He does not, and since his postfix is not authoritative, he also
should not.  Wade, what is the "mda" line in your fetchmail config
file?  It should be something like
  mda "/usr/local/bin/procmail <somearglist>"
or some other LDA (Dovecot's, for example) and appropriate parameters.

If it's along the lines of
  mda "/path/to/postfix"
it's just going to get sent back out via SMTP.


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