
> >>>> Wouldn't it be great if it could be a conduit to let custom Thunderbird
> >>>> plugins talk to custom server application over the IMAP interface? For
> >>>
> >>> Sounds like a job for ACAP.
> >>
> >> "It's rumoured to be the most complex Internet Engineering Task Force
> >> designed protocol ever..." --
> >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_Configuration_Access_Protocol
Simply use XMLRPC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMLRPC), SOAP
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOAP) or any other RPC mechanism of choice

> Hi all, i think sombody would have like to a imap calender solution
> implemented in dovecot? Am i right here?
As a calendaring solution with group calendars and all the like, use CalDAV
-- a webdav extension designed for exactly that purpose. There is an
excellent implementation available at: http://rscds.sourceforge.net/ (also
Apple has released their calendar server supporting caldav open source).

Dovecot is an excellent piece of software. It is fast, compatible, has an
enourmous amount of configuration possibilities and just works. I very well
understand that software like this is rare -- but by demanding extensions
that have nothing to do with what that software (Dovecot in this case) was
written for you will just get what most other software is like: unreliable,
bloated, underdocumented, incompatible and slow.
If you want a calendaring solution, go ahead and look for a calendar
server. And please don't try to make the only cool imap server in this
world behave strangely and serve calendars...
(I also wish there was more software like dovecot...)

best regards,
        Adi Kriegisch

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