Timo Sirainen wrote:
 On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 14:36 -0400, FiL wrote:
> This is not only about POP3, as far as I can tell. If you
> converting mbox to Maildir (dovecot to dovecot) - UIDs change. And
> if you have your client set to cache all the messages and you have
> over 1Gb in your mail... well, it will be transferring all your
> mail again. Deleting the old one (as it is not on the server
> anymore) and re-downloading new ones.

 Right. But it's not as bad as with POP3 where the messages are
 downloaded as duplicates.

It's pretty bad if you trying to check your mail over the slow connection (and some users do that). Also at least 1/3 of my users have 100Mb just in the inbox and much more in other mailboxes. And I know, that
server just wouldn't handle the load the first day after migration.

> I have all my mbox-es in /raid/mbox/%u I have set convert_mail =
> mbox:/raid/mbox/%u:INBOX=/var/mail/%u in the dovecot.conf. But for
> some reason the folder with mail doesn't get renamed after
> conversion. Is that the way it should be?

 And the destination isn't /raid/mbox/%u? It should have renamed the
 %u to %u-converted.

The destination is /raid/Maildir/%u/ but the original folder doesn't get renamed. I will play with it a little more and let you know
the details.


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