On Thursday 12 of July 2007, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> v1.1 plans have changed a bit. I'll release v1.1.alpha1 soon and hope to
> have a stable v1.1 in a month or two. The rest of the features that
> didn't make it into v1.1 will go to v1.2. I'll write more about this
> when v1.1 alpha is released.
> I also did a bit of benchmarking. v1.1's performance improvements are
> looking pretty great, it seems to be twice as fast as v1.0.

Could you somehow test system usage resources, too? That will be probably 
problematic to measure.

For example being twice fast and eating four time more resources isn't a great 
win. That bit me when I wanted to switch from tpop3d to dovecot for pop3 
(already done similar switch for imap). It looks like dovecot does much more 
I/O (even when delivery is used at MTA level so indexes are available) which 
caused huge problems (unsolved unfortunately).
Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz        PLD/Linux Team
arekm / maven.pl            http://ftp.pld-linux.org/

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