On Aug 1, 2007, at 9:25 AM, Quentin Garnier wrote:

Sounds more like a file descriptor leak. Check fstat output so see what
kind of descriptors are leaked, how fast, etc.

Thank you for your quick response. Unfortunately, I restarted dovecot this morning and so this probably isn't very helpful now but here it is anyway. What should I be looking for to indicate a leak? The outputs of 'fstat -u _dovecot' and 'fstat -u _dovecot_login' follow:

USER     CMD          PID   FD MOUNT        INUM MODE       R/W    DV|SZ
_dovecot imap        3328   wd /d        1504391 drwx------   r     1024
_dovecot imap 3328 0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4cba50 <-- _dovecot imap 3328 1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4cba50 <--
_dovecot imap        3328    2 pipe 0x4000d439c90 state:
_dovecot imap        3328    3 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap        3328    4 kqueue 0x4000d4c7d00 0 state: W
_dovecot imap        3328    5 pipe 0x4000d6c7480 state:
_dovecot imap        3328    6 pipe 0x4000d6c7480 state:
_dovecot imap        3328    9 /d        1526304 -rw-------  rw   152352
_dovecot imap        3328   10 /d        1526287 -rw-------  rw     9344
_dovecot imap        3328   11 /d        1514861 -rw-------  rw  7173120
_dovecot imap       10524   wd /d        1508155 drwx------   r     2048
_dovecot imap 10524 0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4cb820 <-- _dovecot imap 10524 1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4cb820 <--
_dovecot imap       10524    2 pipe 0x4000d6c7700 state:
_dovecot imap       10524    3 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap       10524    4 kqueue 0x4000d4c7200 0 state: W
_dovecot imap       10524    5 pipe 0x4000d6c7d00 state:
_dovecot imap       10524    6 pipe 0x4000d6c7d00 state:
_dovecot imap       32143   wd /d        1628354 drwx------   r      512
_dovecot imap 32143 0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f86c0 <-- _dovecot imap 32143 1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f86c0 <--
_dovecot imap       32143    2 pipe 0x4000d6c7080 state:
_dovecot imap       32143    3 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap       32143    4 kqueue 0x4000d4c7a00 0 state: W
_dovecot imap       32143    5 pipe 0x4000d439a90 state:
_dovecot imap       32143    6 pipe 0x4000d439a90 state:
_dovecot imap        1563   wd /d        1794316 drwx------   r      512
_dovecot imap 1563 0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4ca010 <-- _dovecot imap 1563 1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4ca010 <--
_dovecot imap        1563    2 pipe 0x4000d6c7a80 state:
_dovecot imap        1563    3 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap        1563    4 kqueue 0x4000d4c6200 0 state: W
_dovecot imap        1563    5 pipe 0x4000d6c7c00 state:
_dovecot imap        1563    6 pipe 0x4000d6c7c00 state:
_dovecot imap        9679   wd /d        1772316 drwx------   r      512
_dovecot imap 9679 0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f93e0 <-- _dovecot imap 9679 1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f93e0 <--
_dovecot imap        9679    2 pipe 0x4000d6c6e00 state:
_dovecot imap        9679    3 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap        9679    4 kqueue 0x4000d4c7c00 0 state: W
_dovecot imap        9679    5 pipe 0x4000d6c7980 state:
_dovecot imap        9679    6 pipe 0x4000d6c7980 state:
_dovecot imap       27728   wd /d        1772316 drwx------   r      512
_dovecot imap 27728 0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f8030 <-- _dovecot imap 27728 1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f8030 <--
_dovecot imap       27728    2 pipe 0x4000d6c7c80 state:
_dovecot imap       27728    3 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap       27728    4 kqueue 0x4000d4c7300 0 state: W
_dovecot imap       27728    5 pipe 0x4000d6c7680 state:
_dovecot imap       27728    6 pipe 0x4000d6c7680 state:
_dovecot imap       27728    7 /d        1772398 -rw-------  rw      384
_dovecot imap       27728    8 /d        1772332 -rw-------  rw     3480
_dovecot imap       27728    9 /d        1772337 -rw-------  rw    21504
_dovecot imap       23686   wd /d        1525067 drwx------   r      512
_dovecot imap 23686 0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4cbc80 <-- _dovecot imap 23686 1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4cbc80 <--
_dovecot imap       23686    2 pipe 0x4000d439d90 state:
_dovecot imap       23686    3 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap       23686    4 kqueue 0x4000d4c7b00 0 state: W
_dovecot imap       23686    5 pipe 0x4000d438490 state:
_dovecot imap       23686    6 pipe 0x4000d438490 state:
_dovecot imap       18754   wd /d        1504391 drwx------   r     1024
_dovecot imap 18754 0* internet stream tcp 0x4000ce92720 <-- _dovecot imap 18754 1* internet stream tcp 0x4000ce92720 <--
_dovecot imap       18754    2 pipe 0x4000d439c10 state:
_dovecot imap       18754    3 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap       18754    4 kqueue 0x4000d4c7e00 0 state: W
_dovecot imap       18754    5 pipe 0x4000d439510 state:
_dovecot imap       18754    6 pipe 0x4000d439510 state:
_dovecot imap       18754    9 /d        1514852 -rw-------  rw    28064
_dovecot imap       18754   10 /d        1516770 -rw-------  rw    59832
_dovecot imap       18754   11 /d        1514853 -rw-------  rw  1313792
_dovecot imap       25773   wd /d        1607430 drwx------   r      512
_dovecot imap 25773 0* internet stream tcp 0x4000ce93d00 <-- _dovecot imap 25773 1* internet stream tcp 0x4000ce93d00 <--
_dovecot imap       25773    2 pipe 0x4000d6c7800 state:
_dovecot imap       25773    3 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap       25773    4 kqueue 0x4000d4c7900 0 state: W
_dovecot imap       25773    5 pipe 0x4000d439910 state:
_dovecot imap       25773    6 pipe 0x4000d439910 state:

fstat -u _dovecot_login

USER     CMD          PID   FD MOUNT        INUM MODE       R/W    DV|SZ
_dovecot imap-login  3436 root /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot imap-login  3436   wd /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot imap-login  3436    0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d50fa40 *:143
_dovecot imap-login  3436    1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4ca240 *:993
_dovecot imap-login  3436    2 pipe 0x4000d439710 state:
_dovecot imap-login 3436 3* unix stream 0x400024f7c00 <-> 0x4000250f400
_dovecot imap-login  3436    4 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap-login  3436    5 kqueue 0x4000d4c6400 0 state: W
_dovecot imap-login  3436    6 pipe 0x4000d439f10 state:
_dovecot imap-login  3436    7 pipe 0x4000d439f10 state:
_dovecot imap-login 3436 9* unix stream 0x40002485e00 <-> 0x400024fb900
_dovecot imap-login 18776 root /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot imap-login 18776   wd /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot imap-login 18776    0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d50fa40 *:143
_dovecot imap-login 18776    1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4ca240 *:993
_dovecot imap-login 18776    2 pipe 0x4000d439110 state:
_dovecot imap-login 18776 3* unix stream 0x40002515480 <-> 0x40002523d80
_dovecot imap-login 18776    4 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap-login 18776    5 kqueue 0x4000d4c6900 0 state: W
_dovecot imap-login 18776    6 pipe 0x4000d439810 state:
_dovecot imap-login 18776    7 pipe 0x4000d439810 state:
_dovecot imap-login 18776 9* unix stream 0x40002405e80 <-> 0x40002528a00
_dovecot pop3-login 13031 root /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot pop3-login 13031   wd /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot pop3-login 13031    0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f8b20 *:110
_dovecot pop3-login 13031    1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f88f0 *:995
_dovecot pop3-login 13031    2 pipe 0x4000d439610 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 13031 3* unix stream 0x40002517200 <-> 0x40002404200
_dovecot pop3-login 13031    4 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot pop3-login 13031    5 kqueue 0x4000d4c7500 0 state: W
_dovecot pop3-login 13031    6 pipe 0x4000d6c7d80 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 13031    7 pipe 0x4000d6c7d80 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 13031 9* unix stream 0x40002519f80 <-> 0x40002527300
_dovecot imap-login 25333 root /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot imap-login 25333   wd /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot imap-login 25333    0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d50fa40 *:143
_dovecot imap-login 25333    1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4ca240 *:993
_dovecot imap-login 25333    2 pipe 0x4000d6c7200 state:
_dovecot imap-login 25333 3* unix stream 0x400023ab080 <-> 0x40002422700
_dovecot imap-login 25333    4 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap-login 25333    5 kqueue 0x4000d4c6100 0 state: W
_dovecot imap-login 25333    6 pipe 0x4000d6c7780 state:
_dovecot imap-login 25333    7 pipe 0x4000d6c7780 state:
_dovecot imap-login 25333 9* unix stream 0x4000238a900 <-> 0x400024fbe00
_dovecot imap-login 22287 root /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot imap-login 22287   wd /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot imap-login 22287    0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d50fa40 *:143
_dovecot imap-login 22287    1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4ca240 *:993
_dovecot imap-login 22287    2 pipe 0x4000d439990 state:
_dovecot imap-login 22287 3* unix stream 0x4000250c080 <-> 0x40002516300
_dovecot imap-login 22287    4 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap-login 22287    5 kqueue 0x4000d4c7800 0 state: W
_dovecot imap-login 22287    6 pipe 0x4000d6c7900 state:
_dovecot imap-login 22287    7 pipe 0x4000d6c7900 state:
_dovecot imap-login 22287 9* unix stream 0x4000252c300 <-> 0x400024f3600
_dovecot imap-login 23627 root /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot imap-login 23627   wd /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot imap-login 23627    0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d50fa40 *:143
_dovecot imap-login 23627    1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d4ca240 *:993
_dovecot imap-login 23627    2 pipe 0x4000d438a10 state:
_dovecot imap-login 23627 3* unix stream 0x4000250ba80 <-> 0x4000251ef00
_dovecot imap-login 23627    4 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot imap-login 23627    5 kqueue 0x4000d4c7000 0 state: W
_dovecot imap-login 23627    6 pipe 0x4000d438d90 state:
_dovecot imap-login 23627    7 pipe 0x4000d438d90 state:
_dovecot imap-login 23627 9* unix stream 0x400024f3280 <-> 0x40002504c00
_dovecot pop3-login 28303 root /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot pop3-login 28303   wd /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot pop3-login 28303    0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f8b20 *:110
_dovecot pop3-login 28303    1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f88f0 *:995
_dovecot pop3-login 28303    2 pipe 0x4000d438c10 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 28303 3* unix stream 0x40002514500 <-> 0x400024f6000
_dovecot pop3-login 28303    4 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot pop3-login 28303    5 kqueue 0x4000d4c6300 0 state: W
_dovecot pop3-login 28303    6 pipe 0x4000d439b10 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 28303    7 pipe 0x4000d439b10 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 28303 9* unix stream 0x400024f7a00 <-> 0x400024f3980
_dovecot pop3-login 20519 root /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot pop3-login 20519   wd /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot pop3-login 20519    0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f8b20 *:110
_dovecot pop3-login 20519    1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f88f0 *:995
_dovecot pop3-login 20519    2 pipe 0x4000d439d10 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 20519 3* unix stream 0x4000252c900 <-> 0x40002484880
_dovecot pop3-login 20519    4 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot pop3-login 20519    5 kqueue 0x4000d4c6f00 0 state: W
_dovecot pop3-login 20519    6 pipe 0x4000d439e90 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 20519    7 pipe 0x4000d439e90 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 20519 9* unix stream 0x40002504580 <-> 0x4000250f680
_dovecot pop3-login 13249 root /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot pop3-login 13249   wd /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot pop3-login 13249    0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f8b20 *:110
_dovecot pop3-login 13249    1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f88f0 *:995
_dovecot pop3-login 13249    2 pipe 0x4000d439490 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 13249 3* unix stream 0x4000251be80 <-> 0x40002372800
_dovecot pop3-login 13249    4 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot pop3-login 13249    5 kqueue 0x4000d4c6c00 0 state: W
_dovecot pop3-login 13249    6 pipe 0x4000d438c90 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 13249    7 pipe 0x4000d438c90 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 13249 9* unix stream 0x4000252b080 <-> 0x4000250fa00
_dovecot pop3-login 30768 root /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot pop3-login 30768   wd /         1319570 drwxr-x---   r      512
_dovecot pop3-login 30768    0* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f8b20 *:110
_dovecot pop3-login 30768    1* internet stream tcp 0x4000d2f88f0 *:995
_dovecot pop3-login 30768    2 pipe 0x4000d439b90 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 30768 3* unix stream 0x40002520600 <-> 0x40002484c00
_dovecot pop3-login 30768    4 /          475071 crw-r--r--   r  urandom
_dovecot pop3-login 30768    5 kqueue 0x4000d4c6d00 0 state: W
_dovecot pop3-login 30768    6 pipe 0x4000d439410 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 30768    7 pipe 0x4000d439410 state:
_dovecot pop3-login 30768 9* unix stream 0x40002423880 <-> 0x400023bd700

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