On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 19:22 +0200, Sebastian Ganschow wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Charles Marcus schrieb:
> > 
> > Why not just do this with a post-logon script?
> > 
> > http://wiki.dovecot.org/PostLoginScripting
> This would only work, if the user logs in before he gets the first mail.

Hmm, dovecot is all about retrieving received mail. If you need things
to be done before a user retrieves mail initially, you _need_ to do it
either via postfixadmin (don't know that piece) or using the LDA you are
using to route the mail to the fitting (virtual) user.

procmail for example could make you happy here (man procmailex).

major drawback however for all those operations is that things are
checked over and over again for each mail received.

another (more sane) option would be to write the list of newly created
users into a file/database/... and have a cronjob loop over this list,
create the skeleton things you need and finally remove the user if the
creation was successfull. Yet keep in mind that cron jobs are executed
once a minute at most, so the time between creating the user and the
cronjob running might cause some mails getting in before your user has
been correctly "initialized".

Udo Rader

bestsolution.at EDV Systemhaus GmbH

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