# dovecot-related content below, this one for debian bug tracking
# system:
retitle 435959 Please support RFC4315 UIDPLUS extension in APPEND reply
severity 435959 wishlist

[please keep [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Cc.]

Hi there,

I am working on
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=435959, which is
a performance problem that offlineimap has on large mailboxes. We
think that a simple patch to dovecot could cure this problem. I am
willing to write the patch but would really like to get your opinion

In order to keep track of which IMAP message is stored in which
local file, offlineimap uses the message UID, which is guaranteed to
be unique in the directory, but constant across sessions.

When uploading a new message to the IMAP server with APPEND,
offlineimap then has to run a SEARCH to obtain said UID for the
message it just uploaded. This takes ages on larger mailboxes, as
the way offlineimap identifies the message is via a header that's
not indexed by dovecot.

The solution I found in RFC4315 ("UIDPLUS";
http://www1.tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4315) and then I saw
http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2004-July/003993.html, and now
I am wondering: is anyone else interested in APPENDUID? What's the
status of an implementation, if any?

Newer Courier IMAP server implementation support UIDPLUS and
offlineimap will likely obtain this functionality soon.


[please keep [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Cc.]

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"by accepting this brick through your window, you accept it as is
 and agree to my disclaimer of all warranties, express or implied,
 as well as disclaimers of all liability, direct, indirect,
 consequential or incidental, that may arise from the installation
 of this brick into your building."                 -- seen on irc
spamtraps: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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