
Within Dovecot is there a way of spotting a change to a folder and
running a post-processing script on the email that was moved ? I'm
specifically after a way of seeing either an email entering or leaving a
folder - preferably running a different post-process script depending on
the direction. Essentially if an email enters or is moved out of a
'spam' folder I'd like to mark it as 'spam'/'ham' in the Bayesian
filters respectively.

Is there any such mechanism, or should I start looking at how to write a
plugin to achieve this ? If it's the plugin route is there any good
documentation on the plugin APIs etc ?

Jerry Nicholls                       E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Core Systems & Networks Manager      W:            http://www.zen.co.uk/
Zen Internet Ltd.                    T:                    0845 058 9000
                                     F:                    0845 058 9005

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