Leroy van Logchem wrote:

I found the file to be ever growing, so when it had grown back to
160Mb in a single day, I decided to employ cron on the mail server:

11 4 * * * find $HOME/.maildir -type f -name dovecot.index.cache -exec rm {} \;

Since my mail is fetched in the background anyway, I am happy to
take the performance hit first thing in the morning.

I'm wondering, can this be done safely with connected users?

My guess would be :  Yes.

If dovecot has the file open, the OS won't trash it until there are no more 

If dovecot is about to open the file, I'm sure Timo would use an open/create-on-fail pattern, not a test-if-exist/open patter which would lead to a race.

Worst case I can see is someone's session suddenly slows down a bit.

Curtis Maloney

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