Hey Neil,

Neil Wilson wrote on 5-9-2007 16:41:
> Been fighting with postfix+vda/dovecot/
> My postfix delivers the emails to /vmail/ which is owned by user
> maild:users 501(uid):100(gid) without any problems.
> Sep  5 16:32:52 mail dovecot: POP3(samichand):
> stat(/vmail/samichand/Maildir/cur) failed: Permission denied
> mail:/ # cat /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf
> mail_location = maildir:/vmail/%u/Maildir
> auth default {
>   mechanisms = plain
>   passdb shadow {
>   }
>   userdb passwd {
>   }
>   user = root
> }
> dict {
> }
> plugin {
> }
> All I want is to be able to access the mail, with the same my
> "virtual_uid_maps = static:501"(set in my postfix main.cf)
Try using a static userdb: http://wiki.dovecot.org/UserDatabase/Static



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