Daniel L. Miller wrote on 7-9-2007 2:24:
> userdb static {
>    args = uid=5000 gid=8 home=/var/mail/%d/%n mail=/var/mail/%d/%n
> allow_all_users=yes
>  }
>  plugin {
>    sieve = sieve
>  }
> Deliver + sieve is working great.  By setting the sieve variable to
> "sieve", a non-hidden file, it doesn't appear in the folder list.  I
> made a similar change to pysieved to use a non-hidden folder - in
> combination with avelsieve and squirrelmail I now have a
> user-maintainable server-side filter solution.  Awesome!
> Is there a hidden "gotcha" I'm missing here?  It's doing exactly what
> I want!
Everything that would for some reason go into the users homedir, you
would be able to reach via Imap.

If I were you, I'd make home and mail point to a different directory,
which could be as simple as home=/var/mail/%d/%n
mail=/var/mail/%d/%n/Maildir. This way, dovecot will only look for mail
in the $HOME/Maildir, but still can do administrative stuff in $HOME.



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