On Fri, 2007-08-31 at 22:50 +0100, peter wrote:
> I am getting random disconnects from my imap session, dificulties to
> revconnect, very sluggish behaviour when changing between mail folders
> also frequent and rapidly repititive messages on te client "mailserver
> x.x.x.x is not a imap4 server"
> I am running dovecot 1.0.rc2 from ports on OpenBSD 4.0 on a PIII, 500MHz
> 512MB

That's a really old version. You should be running v1.0.0 or later.

> Aug 31 20:51:57 apache dovecot: pipe() failed: Too many open files

If the port used --with-ioloop=kqueue, that's the problem. kqueue is a
bit buggy with OpenBSD.

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