On Fri, 2007-08-31 at 12:57 -0600, Jackie Hunt wrote:
> Hi all,
> We just started running Dovecot this fall here on campus v 1.0.  I've
> started getting some trouble reports from users.  An Outlook Express
> users reported seeing the "Server has not responded in 60 seconds"
> messages.  Waiting longer doesn't help, he has to stop/start Outlook
> Express to get connected again.  Also have a Thunderbird user who is
> seeing that type of behavior first thing in the morning after being
> logged in all night.  He has to stop/restart Thunderbird.

These kind of problems are difficult to figure out without looking at
what command the client last sent and what Dovecot replied with. If it's
easy to reproduce, rawlog output would be helpful

> I've looked at the Dovecot log, and don't see any errors.  I do
> see lots of "Disconnected", "Disconnected in IDLE" and "Disconnected:
> Logged Out".  These last two seem normal, if I just see "Disconnected"
> is that a flag that we're losing connections abnormally? 

If Outlook said "Server hasn't responded in 60 secs", at some point
later it just disconnects and it shows up as "Disconnected" in log.

> I know version 1.0.3 is out.  I've looked at the changes, and the
> only one I can see that might be related to what we are seeing is
> the IDLE commmand fix.  Was hoping for some advice on whether upgrading
> might resolve these issue.  

I don't think IDLE fixes help with that "hasn't responded" warning.

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