On 2007-09-10 11:57:03 -0500, Kurt Krueckeberg wrote:
> Is this the best way to get dovecot's pop3 process to run under xinetd? This
> is what I did after I installed postfix and dovecot. 
> I am using Debian. I am using the dovecot local delivery agent.
> 3. Restarted xinetd
> #/etc/init.d/xinetd restart
> 4. telnet'ed to pop3 port. Because I am using the dovecot local delivery
> agent, postfix needs the dovecot master process and its associated processes
> already first running; otherwise, postfix will not be able to use the
> dovecot local delivery agent. 

i just wonder ... when you run the dovecot master anyway.... why dont
you run pop3 via the dovecot master aswell?


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