On Thu 20 Sep 2007, Charles Marcus wrote:

> > Incidentally, as far as I can see one has to keep a Local account
> > on kmail, as well as an IMAP account,
> Dunno why it would be necessary. TBird doesn't have an easy way to lose
> the 'Local Folders' - maybe kmail has something similar that you are
> referring to? I just keep those collapsed and ignore them.

There appear to be several default folders with kmail,
namely inbox, outbox, sent-mail, wastebin, draughts, templates .

> > since eg sent mail goes to ~/Maildir/sent-mail/cur/ .
> > I didn't find any kmail setting to change this.
> ???
> 'Special' folders are definable by the client - in TBird, I always use
> 'Sent', 'Drafts', 'Templates' and 'Trash' (these are the defaults too).

Maybe kmail is different ...

> I still think you are missing something about how IMAP works...

What exactly?

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