on 9/26/2007 4:12 PM Rahul Amaram spake the following:
I have been looking for a solution to this problem for quite sometime but
just haven't got any. This is how my current set up is.

I have a IMAP Server installed on my home server. It has various folders. I
have configured Thunderbird in my laptop to connect to the IMAP Server and
access mails.

I have also configured Thunderbird to download mails from my GMail account
using POP3. I have set up a filter in Thunderbird to move all my mails which
come to my Local Folders "Inbox" to my IMAP Server's Inbox.

Now here is my question - Is it possible to set up some rules in the IMAP
Server (maybe sieve) so that I can filter the messages coming to its Inbox
and move them to another folder?

The whole idea is that I have control over when I want to fetch mails from
my GMail account but at the same time the filtering rules for moving to
custom folders should be stored on the server so that i do not replicate
this in every client.


Might be easier to have fetchmail get the mails from gmail and then you can process them any way you want. You can write procmail rules, or sieve scripts, or whatever you want.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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