Johannes Berg wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-09-29 at 13:17 +0200, Lars Stavholm wrote:
>>> Cool. I never imagined that the plugin would find such wide-spread
>>> use :)
>> Well, it's only me, don't know if anyone else uses it. Still,
>> I think it's a brilliant idea. Doesn't get any more user friendly.
> Some other people are doing some new stuff with it too, you might want
> to search the mailing list archives. Somebody put the code into git too
> and worked on some things but I haven't followed what they did since I
> don't really have time right now to touch my mail setup.
>> As far as I can tell from my tests, the signature's are picked up
>> nicely by the dspam plugin.
> Right.
>> However, I'm used to a dspam setup where TrainPristine=on, and the
>> retraining/reclassification requires pristine mail-sources, without
>> the X-DSPAM-... stuff, including the signature.
> Aha. Why are you using this? As we've discussed previously on the list,
> much of the processing time dspam requires per mail is for tokenizing
> the message which you completely skip by loading a pre-tokenized message
> from disk when training based on the signature. Look at the "dovecot
> dspam plugin using libdspam" thread from a few weeks ago.

True enough, for scalability and high volumes: signature's,
no doubt. That's one of the reasons I wanted to do it as an
optional feature. Thing is, I never got the signature thing
working for me with my dspam setup, see below.

>> So, basically, I would read the mail in error, be it spam or ham,
>> and pipe it to the dspam client for retraining/reclassification.
>> The --user option of dspam is used to point dspam to the correct
>> user (since we don't have a signature).
> Now you're saying again you don't have a signature?

Well, I don't have a signature "in my hand" (when executing
the dspam.c code) since i don't use it, I didn't look for it,
and didn't retrieve it, so I would need another way of
identifying the recipient.

The problem is that with the dspam setup I'm using, i.e. 3.8.0,
Hash driver, shared group, etc. I usually get "signature not
found", so at an early stage of my dspam experience (a year ago),
I got used to doing TrainPristine=on and feed the entire mail
messages to dspam for reclassification without signature's (which
I found to be a tad bit troublesome, or rather: I never could figure
out why it didn't work). And in addition, we (at build
rpm packages for small and medium sized business and private use,
so the high performance and scalability is not really an issue
(and, I'm just a tad bit lazy as well:).

>> BTW, I would like to keep the previous functionality with the
>> dspam plugin using signatures. In order to do that I need to
>> be able to set dspam plugin specific options somwhow. Any idea?
> There are plugin options but I have no idea right now how to use them.

OK, fair enough, I' try to see how the other plugins use options.

Cheers, and thanks for your input

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