On 16:04:18 2007-09-30 Johannes Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sparked from the discussion on the list, I've put my antispam plugin
> into git and split up the code into a frontend and possibly multiple
> backends. See http://git.sipsolutions.net/dovecot-antispam.git/ (URL
> functions as both gitweb and git URL)

Hmm if I'm reading the code correctly one can define multiple spam folders?

Would be nice to include a sample config i.e. all the variables that can be
and possible settings etc...

Andraž "ruskie" Levstik
Source Mage GNU/Linux Games grimoire guru

Be sure brain is in gear before engaging mouth.

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Key fingerprint = 6FF2 8F20 4C9D DB36 B5B6  F134 884D 72CC F4C1 F89C

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