
Any opinions on a preferred namespace setting for use with Dovecot?

Deciding factors seem to be client support, not being too unusual, accidental ease of setup, wider character range support (eg dots in folder names?), issues when scripting imap commands?

For example Outlook Express (common with our userbase) seems to assume no folderprefix when using our current Courier server and from memory I think this causes some subtle issue with Sent Items and Drafts folders until you tell it to use an INBOX. folder prefix? (can't recall the exact details right now)

I notice also that Thunderbird will show all folders under "Inbox" if I have an INBOX. prefix, but shows them all in a list if there is not one. Actually I find the former quite a useful feature because I have a number of test accounts where I only want to click into the INBOX, do I can keep the list of folders closed up

Any other programs exhibit any (possibly beneficial) side effects from different prefix choices? Anyone got any preferences either way? Any pros/cons in using a dot as folder separator rather than a slash?

I can see some logic in using an INBOX folder prefix and a slash as the folder separator because this would then mimic the on-disk layout.. (Is this what cyrus does?)

I mainly care about best support for Outlook Express / Windows Mail and Thunderbird - any opinions on most compatible settings?


Ed W

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