On Sun, 30 Sep 2007, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 17:07 -1000, Julian Cowley wrote:
Lines are broken for clarity.  This is dovecot 1.0.5 on CentOS 4.5.
     imap(i_malloc+0x1b) [0x80b0e1b] ->
     imap [0x8083037] ->
     imap [0x80833e6] ->
     imap(index_storage_search_init+0xf4) [0x80836f4] ->

Are you sure it's 1.0.5? This looks a lot like the crash that empty
messagesets caused with post-1.0.5 hg version:

You're right, it's not strictly 1.0.5 since I added the following patches. I'm not using the above empty messagesets patch though. Should I be?

My patch file name                              hg revision
================================                ============
dovecot-cmd-create-fix.patch                    6bbb20cdaf1e
dovecot-deliver-dup-db-fix.patch                9d4e89fa62d0
dovecot-mailbox-idle-check.patch                afb48abd91c0
dovecot-search-not-fix.patch                    d144e54f09e6
dovecot-search-opt-p1.patch                     fa89431f893e
dovecot-search-opt-p2.patch                     92b2bd6b6c2d
dovecot-search-opt-p3.patch                     678626efb942

In addition there are a few patches in my spec file which are inherited from the original by Axel Thimm, but these have been in there for donkey's years and are unlikely to be related to the problem.

Getting a proper gdb backtrace of the crash would anyway be better than
this raw backtrace: http://dovecot.org/bugreport.html

Or at least I'd like to know what gdb says with:

gdb /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap
l *0x8083037
l *0x80833e6

Unfortunately, it looks like I've built dovecot with stripped binaries, so there is no symbol information for the above locations. I'll rebuild with -g enabled and see if the bug can be reproduced.

BTW, I have an strace of the crash if you are interested. I haven't posted it here since it contains user information, but I could send it directly to you.

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