On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 21:27 +0200, Onno Molenkamp wrote:
> Hi,
> We're using Dovecot to proxy incoming POP3 and IMAP connections to the right 
> server. We'd like to be able to see what connections are currently open on 
> the proxy servers, without having the parse the log file.
> For normal mail processes it's possible to use verbose_proctitle for this 
> purpose, but this setting doesn't work for proxy/login processes. Is it 
> possible to do something similar for proxy processes? Even without displaying 
> the username and IP address, it would be useful to be able to see the 
> difference between normal (idle/active) login processes, and proxy processes.

I guess you're using Linux? This should work if you change Dovecot's
sources a bit:


/* NOTE: This really is a horrible hack, I don't recommend using it for
   anything else than debugging. */

Then you'll see "imap-login [IP]" for connected processes.

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