On Sat, 2007-10-20 at 17:15 -0400, Adam McDougall wrote:
> This helps, thunderbird seems to act as I would expect with hidden=yes and 
> list=no:
> 8 list "" "mail/%" 
> * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "mail/Deleted Items"


> but mutt cannot access mail/ when I ask it to:
> set folder={localhost:1143}mail/
> Chdir to: imap://localhost:1143/mail/
> mutt says "No such folder"
> a0006 LIST "" "mail"
> a0006 OK List completed.

Looks like v1.0 answers to this, although I didn't do it intentionally.
I guess it's a good idea. http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot/rev/5b2ff32877d4

> a0007 LIST "" "mail%"
> a0007 OK List completed.

This happened with v1.0 too.

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