On 2007. October 26. 17:27.55 Timo Sirainen wrote:
> > and here is snippet from my userdb:
> >
> > leva::uid:gid:gecos:home::quota_rule=*:storage=0
> userdb_quota_rule if you have it in passwd-file.
Oh thanks, how clever of me; I didn't notice that there is even a 
userdb_mail extra field in one the accounts... :\
> > > > Furthermore, will deliver be aware of the new quota system?
> > >
> > > Yes (or not specifically, because it's all handled in generic
> > > mail handling code).
> >
> > I meant that will Deliver totally ignore the quota, and deliver the
> > mails no matter how many bytes they are consuming, or will it
> > bounce(or maybe something else?) back the mail to the MTA if the
> > destination user is over quota?
> It'll bounce (or tempfail with quota_full_tempfail=yes). If you don't
> want that, don't load the quota plugin.
Yes, I definitely want this!

Thanks again!


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