On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 12:31 +0530, Manilal K M wrote:
> But one of the users is having some unusual issues with his mailbox.
> Whenever he clicked and open a new email, it's never marked as read.
> He has to click and open several times  to get it marked as "Read".

I think you should first figure out if this is really a Dovecot problem
or something else. You could for example enable rawlog
(http://dovecot.org/bugreport.html#sniffing) for that one user and then
when this problem happens look at the logs to see if there is a command
that updates the \Seen flag.

I don't know how Horde/IMP updates the \Seen flags. It might be a real
STORE <uid> +FLAGS \Seen command, or it could use FETCH BODY[] which
also sets the flag implicitly.

You could also modify mail-log plugin to log \Seen flag changes. You can
do this by replacing MAIL_DELETED with MAIL_SEEN in
src/plugins/mail-log/mail-log-plugin.c (and "deleted" / "undeleted"
texts also with "seen" / "unseen").

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