On Sun, Nov 11, 2007 at 10:43:34AM -0800, Jeff Grossman wrote:

  Timo Sirainen wrote:
>> http://dovecot.org/releases/1.1/beta/dovecot-1.1.beta8.tar.gz
>> http://dovecot.org/releases/1.1/beta/dovecot-1.1.beta8.tar.gz.sig
>> Changes since beta7:
>>  - Added a new "raw" mail storage backend which allows opening
>> files/streams as single mail mailboxes. deliver uses this now instead of
>> opening the incoming mail as a mbox. So deliver should be now faster and
>> it doesn't anymore remove Dovecot's private mbox headers if you're not
>> using mbox.
>>  - Cache file tracks message expunges again
>>  - All kinds of other fixes
>>  - Some optimizations
>> I think we're getting closer to v1.1 RCs.
  I just installed beta 8 and everything appears to be running smoothly.  Of 
  course, my mail server is pretty basic.
I also installed 1.1b8 yesterday and everything has been fine so far.
Haven't found anything yet to request a patch for :)

I even took a leap and migrated my 6 gigs of personal email to 
my server running 1.1b8 and am using it as my exclusive working mail set.
My next task is to convince a few more heavy users here to do the same
(I'm sure I won't need to twist their arm very hard).

My email use today has been bliss, while hearing about co-workers complain
about the old slow production server!  hahahahaha.  

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