On 17.11.2007, at 2.43, Nikolay Shopik wrote:

On 17.11.2007 3:40, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On 17.11.2007, at 2.14, Nikolay Shopik wrote:

I was wondering about server-side search inside entire message, is dovecot support only english encoding now? I'm using Thunderbird but it can't find anything if I'm using language other than English.

What Dovecot version? What operating system? As long as you have iconv support for charsets in your mails, it should work. v1.0 supports case-insensitive searches only for ASCII characters, v1.1 for all.

I'm running Dovecot 1.0.5 on Debian etch testing. Never heard about iconv, how its works with dovecot?

Did you use Dovecot from .deb or compile yourself? If you used .deb it should have worked. If you compiled yourself, then the reason could be a missing gettext package.

Could you create some test case for this? Like create a mailbox with a single mail and search some word that exists in it but that isn't returned. Grab the SEARCH command that Thunderbird sent using Dovecot's rawlog (http://dovecot.org/bugreport.html#sniffing), ngrep, Wireshark or whatever. Then send the mailbox and the SEARCH command to me as attachments and I'll take a look at it.

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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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