On Fri, 23 Nov 2007, Mark Adams wrote:

A normal rsync to another server of the maildir and configs will work
fine. If you need to backup using windows or mac then a samba share is
the best bet.


Links how to use rsync will be appreciated.


An example of syncing 2 directories over ssh, keeping all permissions
intact. This command run on the source maildir server.

rsync -av -e"ssh" /source_maildirs/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/destination/maildirs/

Couple tips (not criticisms): Nowadays, ssh is the default (unless compiled otherwise). So, the '-e"ssh"' is likely unneccessary. As is the 'username@' part, if the username is the same.

And something to watch out for as a new rsync user:

The trailing slash is important on the source path. From the rsync 'man' page (read it!): A trailing slash on the source changes this behavior to avoid creating an additional directory level at the destination. (But, it doesn't do anything on the destination path.)

That'd shorten the command to:

rsync -av /source_maildirs/ hostname:/destination/maildirs


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