On 11/30/2007, Joe Allesi -X (joallesi - Coyote Creek Consulting at
Cisco) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
You had to ask that...we're still on 0.99,

Ouch... we had tons of problems on 0.99 with occasional random mbox file corruption requiriung manual editing of the mbox file to correct it (garbage at the beginning of the file), to the point we had to switch to courier... but that was when 0.99 was the only version available.

You should be able to get a very stable setup with a current release, but I would also recommend including the 1.1betas in your testing if you have time and inclination, because it is close to release, and there are even more/better changes in it that should make for lots of happy campers...

Sorry, I know none of this addresses your current problem - wish I could help with it...
  • [Dovecot] lock... Joe Allesi -X (joallesi - Coyote Creek Consulting at Cisco)
    • Re: [Dove... Charles Marcus
      • Re: [... Joe Allesi -X (joallesi - Coyote Creek Consulting at Cisco)
        • R... Charles Marcus
        • R... Bill Cole

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