>>>>> "TS" == Timo Sirainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    TS> I'm beginning to think that maybe something more generic is
    TS> needed, such as:

    TS> auth default {
    TS>   ..
    TS>   environment {
    TS>     krb5_ktname = ..
    TS>     krb5ccname = ...
    TS>     who_knows_what_else_in_future = ..
    TS>   }
    TS> }

    TS> I think LDAP library also can accept settings from environment.

    TS> Anyone on mailing list have better ideas?

I'm certainly not going to claim this is a better idea.

Instead of explicitly setting the environment vars from dovecot.conf how
about instead have a mechanism for listing those vars that are acceptable
to pass through from the invoking environment.

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