On Thu, 2007-12-06 at 12:13 +0800, Joe Wong wrote:
> Here is the backtrace for your reference. I have already applied 
> dovecot-97702c9c4111 changes to my 1.1 beta10 code base. 
> I am running dovecot on FC7, gcc 4.1.2, mailbox is on NFS. Whenever I did
> UID SEARCH body "xxxx"
> imap crashes.
> #4  0x080c9f2c in i_panic (format=0x80ebb5c "Leaked a t_pop() call in 
> timeout handler %p") at failures.c:197

Try http://dovecot.org/nightly/dovecot-latest.tar.gz. I've rewritten
t_push/t_pop handling there so that this should never happen anymore.

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