On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 15:58 -0700, Patrick Milvich wrote:
> Obviously this can act like a dos attack, but the real issue is after  
> the spammer stops (by virtue of being added to our firewall blacklist,  
> being caught and shut down by their isp, or otherwise), dovecot  
> doesn't seem to relinquish the resources, causing "too many files  
> open" errors for normal usage.

I guess there could be problems after you get "too many open files", but
you can configure Dovecot so that it never happens. v1.1 warns about
this at startup.

Basically you just need to make sure that when starting dovecot,
ulimit -n is a bit larger than max_mail_processes +
login_max_processes_count + auth_worker_max_count (if you're using

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