* Jim Horner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sunday 27 January 2008 12:48:24 Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
> > I am trying to tell Dovecot deliver to use $mail_location as the location
> > # Dovecot
> > # dovecot-ldap.conf
> > user_attrs =
> > mailHomeDirectory=home,mailUidNumber=uid,mailGidNumber=gid,mailQuota=quota=
> >maildir:storage,mail=mailHomeDirectory
> It is my understanding that mail_location only gets uses if no mail attribute 
> is specified. In any case, it appears that the above perhaps should read 
> mailHomeDirectory=mail. Also making the home and the mail directory the same 

Doh! Thanks, that fixed the mail location problem. In the log I can now see it
is used when I use dovecot as Postfix service.

The initial problem yet still remains. If I use "mailbox_command = ../deliver"
deliver seems to use the $ENV settings. I can probably change those, but I'd
rather have deliver read system user delivery options from LDAP, jsut as I do
for my virtual users.

> has caused problems for others on this list; like odd files showing up as 
> mail folders in the email client.

Haven't had that yet, but will do as soon as I have problems, thanks.
I can/will fix that if I get deliver use my LDAP settings.

I've switched off all other userdb drivers. From my understanding deliver
_must_ read from LDAP:

      driver: ldap
      args: /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf

Wrong assumption?


state of mind
Agentur für Kommunikation, Design und Softwareentwicklung

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