Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Tue, 2008-02-19 at 01:04 -0500, Adam McDougall wrote:
I haven't seen this before 1.1b16, it happened to two users today while they were searching
using fts.

Hmm. You sure this is with beta16? Because:

#5 0x00000000004a6fd9 in charset_to_utf8_try (t=0x60e2b0,

In pre-beta16 line 107 contains:

buffer_set_used_size(dest, dest->used - destleft);

In beta16 it's:

if (!dtcase)

The change was: http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-1.1/rev/fcfe2ea5c3ed

And it should have fixed this exact assert-crash.

Oooooops! Sorry, it was b15.  I had b16 on my mind because I had just
installed it on two other servers.  I'll try it.  Thanks.

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