Hi all,

I'm back with more data on a problem  Iposted about one month ago.

To sum it up, my Solaris 10 box has local accounts as well as LDAP ones
via PAM. They work well as-is, with no special configuratio, for WU IMAP
(using the «other» entry in pam.conf.

When I tried a self-built Dovecot, all accounts were authenticated
without problem. Then I tried the Blastwave version, same release, but
with more option, and this one didn't work with the exact same
configuration: local accounts were authenticated, not the PAM LDAP ones.

Now, it turns out that when Dovecot is built using OpenLDAP, then PAM
LDAP account won't work. If it's built with Solaris LDAP, they work,
everything else being equal.

Is there any way to fix that?

There's the Blastwave bug report with more details if needed:

Thanks in advance for any help,

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